Monday, May 5, 2008

Seminar 5 May 2nd

Seminar Slower consumption- Lou
By Tim Cooper
'Throwaway society'
'sustainable consumption'
The story of stuff. Extraction -> production -> Consumption -> Disposal
This shouldnt be a line, it should be a circle, where Disposal then goes back around to Extraction.
We need both efficiency and sufficiency for outcomes to work.
product life span

Media Ecologies Seminar- Merideth
By Matthew Fuller
Relationships between organisms and enviroments. Meshing systems together.
'Pirate radio' Culture for underground London. Towerblock and slums. Concrete wall with poisons in it. Extreme stuff.
Cant get input from legal rediostations like you can illegal, personal ones like pirate radio.
Grows from media being illegal, this is the reason it got so big.
Illegal but foundational- neccesary.
- In 1972 President Richard Nixon got caught, this was an example of the truth. Unlike Donald Rumsfields case. Where a lot of media was in one persons hands, who was high up. This resulted in the hiding of truth.
Defintion of local media- media that reflects an unbiased opinion.

The future in terms or Robots-
-Social interaction
-Visual form fo robot is very important

Wearable computers
- addidas shoes
- Adjustable padding in the shoe, depending on the groun you're walking on.
-Really big cause it looked good too.

Biggest problem in the reading is how to make the humasn understand how to work/interact with these compuerts. Need to make them safe and controllable. Narrow the divide between the designers, creators and users of materialks/computers like this.

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